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Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil




Sharonspendstoomuch review for Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil

Oil Cleansers

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Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil

product review positives
Review: Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Light Cleansing Oil I received this product for free from Picky and Skin1004 in exchange for my honest review. This is described as a lightweight, oil-based cleanser that gently melts away makeup, sunscreen, & dirt without stinging the eyes. Key Ingredients: 🔸 Centella Asiatica (10,000ppm) 🔸 Sunflower Oil 🔸 Olive Oil 🔸 Jojoba oil 🔸 Bergamot fruit oil Packaging/Texture: 200ml clear plastic bottle with white pump cap. Texture is a somewhat runny oil (golden yellow) that has a distinctive floral scent. My Experience: Skin1004 is one of my favorite brands so I was excited to have the opportunity to try this cleanser. I wear sunscreen daily and makeup sometimes, so I always do a double cleanse at night. This cleanser has Centella Asiatica and 6 botanical oils as the main ingredients. Centella Asiatica calms skin, while sunflower and olive oil provides sebum care, and bergamot & jojoba oils provide skin nourishment. As far as my experience goes, this cleanser does a good job removing all traces of sunscreen and makeup (except waterproof mascara). I use 2 pumps and apply with my hands on dry skin, gently massaging all over my face at night . Then I wet my hands, continue massaging until it becomes milky. Then I remove with lukewarm water. I like how easily it glides on the skin and how it washes off without any oily residue. My skin feels clean and not stripped. Then I follow up with my 2nd cleanse and the rest of my routine. Unfortunately I did experience some irritation on my cheeks, but unsure if it was from this cleansing oil or another product. (I plan to reintroduce again to check) I am happy I was able to try this cleanser and will continue to use as it effectively cleans all traces of makeup and sunscreen. But I do prefer other cleansers as my first cleanse and probably would not purchase. Pros: Cleans well, no oily residue, doesn’t burn eyes, short ingredient list Cons: Contains 3 essential oils and added fragrance, strong floral scent Update: I’ve been using this cleanser to remove makeup and sunscreen nightly and have decided I really do like it. I reintroduced it after a couple of months and did not experience any skin irritation thr 2nd time around. It dissolves makeup quickly and rinses off cleanly without leaving any filmy residue.
product review negatives
I experienced some irritation after using, possibly due to the Essential oil ingredients.




Bhagisha user profile picture



Thank you for sharing
hannnn user profile picture



nice review tho!
hannnn user profile picture



nice review tho!
hannnn user profile picture



nice review tho!
NikkiJames023 user profile picture



Great review! I just won this and I'm so excited to get it.

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