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Real Natural Sheet Mask With Blue Ampoule




SCMemoir review for Real Natural Sheet Mask With Blue Ampoule

Sheet Masks

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Real Natural Sheet Mask With Blue Ampoule

product review positives
Varuza Real Natural Sheet Mask with Blue Ampoule Review Varuza is a Korean brand whose focus is on clean beauty. Their name means “Do It Right” and “Apply Well” in Korean. Their mission is very noble one such as creating a healthier environment. Let’s say that I am not a huge fan when it comes to sheet masks, mostly because the fact that whenever I put them on my face they tend to drip everywhere and won’t fit my face or are way too big. To my surprise I did not have that problem with the Varuza mask. It is a gauze mask filled with just enough serum to not drip all over, fits any face like a glove and doesn’t slide off of it because of the criss cross patterned material of the mask. Contains some of the greatest ingredients for both dry and oily skin, such as glycerin and panthenol for dry, and camellia extract, licorice root extract, alantoin and niacinamide for oily skin types. It is very hydrating and gives a nice soothing effect to the skin. It is free from alchocols, sillicones, parabens, fragrances and oils. And did I mention it is pregnancy-friendly and cruelty free. Recommended for all skin types. Will definitely repurchase.
product review negatives
I don't know why but after applying the mask to my face, it tingled for a couple of seconds and then stopped 🤔 other than that i loved it




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love this!! 💕
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Thanks for sharing!
SiAnastasia user profile picture
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Thank you for such informative review 👍

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