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Brightening Lemon Sheet Mask

Glam Up

Glam Up


Lingua review for Brightening Lemon Sheet Mask

Sheet Masks

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Brightening Lemon Sheet Mask

product review positives
🍋GLAM UP BRIGHTENING LEMON Vitamin Surge Sheet Mask Mask 12/12 I am impressed with how effective this mask has been in my morning routine.It is the last mask in a pack,and I did not plan it,but they say,save the best for last.I really liked how moist with enough essence that kept my skin so hydrated and there was still alot of essence left after I removed the mask.This just brightens your day with a beautiful glow and boosts skin dullness.I do have a few favourites from the pack and if you don’t want to buy a mixed pack,then you can focus on the skin concern you need it for that also come in a pack,but that means you will have 10 of the similar masks. If your looking for that extra glow then,I would highly recommend this specific type of mask to brighten,Nourish,moisturize,control sebum and tighten pores.As mentioned the only thing I was not happy about is how uneven the masks were,but they are amazing to target different skin troubles and are also good for daily skincare routines.I found all the masks very sensitive friendly,even though some were scented,but they did not bother or irritate me,since they are all free of harmful ingredients. 🍋Gifted
product review negatives
Am just not happy with there sizing and shape of all there masks⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5




6 Comentarios
Janete user profile picture



haven't tried it yet, thanks for sharing😍
ezatulSkincareDiary user profile picture
super picky user badge



Ya..the sheet mask is not fitted nicely
Tracya user profile picture



Nice to hear that

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