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Acne Creamy Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 4% Daily Control




colormeeepurple review for Acne Creamy Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 4% Daily Control

Face Wash

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Acne Creamy Wash Benzoyl Peroxide 4% Daily Control

product review positives
This product has been amazing, love how Benzoyl Peroxide is in the product. It's been 2 years since I have been acne free. I kid you not, I started breaking out as an adult. I started going through hormonal acne one day out of the blue. I tried everything and spent so much money on products that always made my acne worse then better. I had done so many research online and had seen so many reviews on products. For some reason I Benzoyl Peroxide never came across my search. One day I had accidentally found video about how some girl started to use products that contained Benzoyl Peroxide and how it worked for her. So, I again of course found a product similar and started my Benzoyl Peroxide journey. It has done wonders on my face and I will continue to use. Face wash and Benzoyl in one ear the best invention ever. I truly do say, if you haven't tried it yet. Please do... what's one more product tor try? Especially if you were like me and had tried everything. Great price and great product. I've been acne free and hopes that it will remain.
product review negatives
The only downfall on this product is that, in the beginning when you begin to use this product. It will dry you're face out, to where sometimes your face would feel itchy and uncomfortable. The reason is because your face like with all products are trying to get used to it. What I always did was after I would wash my face, I would add a moisturizer.




1 Comentario
yourangel user profile picture



ohh am happy it worked for you!!! congrats on that clear skin i hope one day i'd be able to make a review like this too!

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