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Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Green Tea




Hendrika01 review for Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Green Tea


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Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling Green Tea

product review positives
I received this Neogen-Bio Peel Gauze Peeling Freen Tea as part of the NEOGEN Dermalogy Skincare Trial Kit for free from @go.picky, @pickyrewards and @neogen_global in exchange for my honest reiew. These exfoliating pads provide gentle but effective exfoliation of dead skin cells and impurities, leaving skin smoother and clear. Dead skin cells are removed off the surface of the skin using the uniqe 3-layer pad technology. The main ingredient Green Tea is a powerful antioxidant that prevents premature aging and is an anti-inflammatory that helps soothe irritated skin. I use these pads after I have cleaned my face. I then put my fingers into the sleeve of the gauze peeling pad and swipe it gently over my face in circular motions. Then I turn the pad and use the softer side to remove any remaining sebum and dirt. I rinse my face with lukewarm water and my face feels so smooth, super clean and soft afterwards. Sometimes exfoliating my skin can make my skin feeling tight or dry but these pads give my skin a clean, calming and moisturized feeling. My skin looks radiant after using these pads and any redness or irritation of my skin looks calmed down. These pads give me clear and healthy looking skin and I really recommend them!
product review negatives
There is nothing bad to say about this product




2 Komentar
youngheartoldsoul82 user profile picture



Great review!
SiAnastasia user profile picture
picky squad user badge



Thank you for the honest review 😉 Hope to try this product one day too.

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