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Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask




PickyKeWe review for Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask

Leave On Masks

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Hyaluronic Acid Water Sleeping Mask

product review positives
A nice mask with hyaluronic acid (5 types), beta-glucan (which even better at holding on to moisture than hyaluronic acid), and betaine in order to bring moisture into the skin. It comes in a thicker, gel-like consistency. It has no tint at all. It does build a tacky layer on your skin that doesn't get fully absorbed, so you should use it (as the name implies) in the evenings or at times when you don't want to wear any make up afterwards. On me, it stays tacky, so I actually take it off before I go to bed and prefer sleeping with a moisturizer. I've put it on twice a week since I purchased it and it does make my dehydrated skin feel hydrated. I also found my make up sat nicely on my skin the day after.
product review negatives
The thick gel consistency and the tackiness isn't for everyone...




2 Komentar
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Kering/Tidak Sensitif

It might be too occlusive... it is a very thick gel. Not like a light moisturizer. I take it off before going to bed for that reason. Other than that, it's fine.
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Do you think it’s too tacky for oily skin?

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