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Glycolic Fix Night Pads Extreme

Nip + Fab

Nip + Fab


Redsofia review for Glycolic Fix Night Pads Extreme

Acne & Blemish Treatments

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Glycolic Fix Night Pads Extreme

product review positives
This product was my introduction to the world of chemical (AHA / BHA) exfoliation. And all I have to say is chemical exfoliation >>>> scrubs (which I’ve never used again since). It has AHAs such as 5% glycolic acid which gently exfoliates the skin and reduces hyperpigmentation and scars, lactic acid which removes dead cells and smoothes / polishes the skin surface and Mandelic acid which is also a skin smoothing AHA but gentler. It also has BHAs like salicylic acid which penetrates into the skin, unclogs pores and fights pimples and blemishes. Plus it contains niacinamide, panthenol and hyaluronic acid!!!. It really transformed my face. Not only it stopped my breakouts and cleared most of hyperpigmentation, it also made the skin brighter and extremely smooth, polished and soft almost like a baby! Results are visible after just 3 applications! Now some tips for new users: First of all I don’t recommend this product for daily use. I’d suggest 2 times or 3 times a week at most, it depends on your skin’s tolerance. And only apply it at night. The first times you might experience a very slight burning feeling but it’s normal. 1 pad is sufficient for all your face (I tried 2 pads once and caused a slight irritation). Always use sunscreen 50+ and more so, I’d say don’t use it during summer. AHAs BHAs cause sun sensitivity and I experienced a serious irritation just by seating in the sunny side of the bus one morning despite wearing sunscreen and face mask. Fortunately it calmed down after 2 weeks during which I stopped using the pads. I can’t wait till November when I think it’s safe to put it on again, this time on my body too. Until then I use a niacinamide serum which is the closest alternative with similar good results.
product review negatives
Don’t think it’s good to use it under extreme sunshine, even with SPF protection. It depends on your country’s climate of course. Unfortunately in my Mediterranean country the sunlight is too bright from April on and during summer we have several heat waves. Can only apply it from November to March.




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