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Perfectly Clean Multi-Action Foam Cleanser/Purifying Mask

Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder


VeronicaReviews review for Perfectly Clean Multi-Action Foam Cleanser/Purifying Mask

Face Wash

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Perfectly Clean Multi-Action Foam Cleanser/Purifying Mask

product review positives
If I remember correctly, I got this as part of Nordstrom’s gift with purchase for Estēe Lauder. This is my first time venturing into high-end skincare so my expectations were high. I use it as my daily am and pm cleanser which I think has helped clean my face from the oils/dirts/make-up up the day and restart my skin after my nightly routines. A little goes a long away as well.
product review negatives
It has the fragrance which makes it feel so luxurious when I apply it BUT it’s very fragrant that it’s a little offputting. The other thing that I’m not too fond of is how much it dries me after washing. I definitely feel the tightness after so I follow up immediately with the rest of my skincare routine which include ls extra moisturizing moisturizer.




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