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Pore N Turn-Over 28 ABA Toner

The Plant Base

The Plant Base


mveery review for Pore N Turn-Over 28 ABA Toner


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Pore N Turn-Over 28 ABA Toner

product review positives
What to say about this product? It really worked for me, im gonna say that i had a breakdown in 2021 and i didnt really had time and emotion to do my skincare routine. Since all the products that i had in 2019-2020 were a waist of money (cause i didnt used them by the same thing and they got expired) this product became to change my habits in december 2021. I was using a really simple routine, double cleaning, toner and cream. At just only a few days since using this, my skin LOVED this product. It improved my skin texture really quickly, not too much impresive change about the pores and my too oily areas got controled. The texture of this product is liquid and it has a light scent that i really like, but maybe this isnt the best to sensitive skin. Ive been using this product twice a day. I apply it on my clean hands and then puting it on my entire face and neck. Then doing little taps into my skin. Im using this producti now for one month and a half. In 2019 and 2020 a toner didnt really had an important place in my routine, but now i realised that a good toner its an essential step for me.
product review negatives
Maybe the thing that it didnt really improve my pores, but im happy with the other results.




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