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AC Fighting Spot RX Cream




akirE review for AC Fighting Spot RX Cream


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Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif

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AC Fighting Spot RX Cream

product review positives
TIA'M - AC Fighting Spot RX Cream Active ingredients Centella, speeds up healing process and prevents scarring Tea Tree, calms active acne Zinc 7%, soothes inflammations, reduces red.or bown spots, shrinks and reduces existing pimples Niacinamide 10%, reduces appearance of acne hyperpigmentation Spicules are needle-like anatomical structures found in sea sponge, they help unclog the pores and remove dead skin cells but they can cause a little bit of tingling sensation, though it lasts literally a second, that it means that they are effectively working Texture, colour and scent: it's a white pretty thick cream, there is no added fragrance but when I apply it the scent reminds me of coke gummy candies 😁 it fades away almost immediately Packaging: the tube is made of 100% biodegradable eco-friendly plastic D2W How to use: as the last of your skincare routine apply it on targeted area and gently massage to let the skin absorbs the ingredients, then apply a little more on "bad" pimples Personal review I think that one of the ingredient of this cream is magic because it works amazingly 🥰 I had a few random pimples these days and by using this cream I see an improvement in literally one day, I had a pretty bad one on my cheek, red and bumpy, I applied the cream as suggested and the next day the redness was almost completely gone and the pimples was 90% dried out. For brown marks I think it will take a little more time to fade but, using this and the iunik tea tree serum or the goodal vita C serum that I had before the iunik one, I see that the one that I have it's slowly fading. Since this cream is so rich in zinc I really recommend to be more precise as possible and use it just on the area that it needs to be treated because it dries the skin all around
product review negatives
I know it takes time but I see just a light fading for my brown mark so far




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