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Spotless Nose Patch

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SashaGrace review for Spotless Nose Patch

Skin Care

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Spotless Nose Patch

product review positives
As someone with very oily skin and acne even while I've been on Tretinoin for 6 months, hydrocolloid patches used to be the only thing that could keep my acne manageable. They absorb the sebum within your pores and blemishes, which leaves skin much less inflamed and flatter. These patches are good for: ✨sebaceous filaments ✨smaller, more surface pimples ✨acne near or at a head (looks white/pus) You get 12, really large patches in each box for $16.90 USD, which is quite a good deal, because I can actually cut each patch and get three large sections out of one patch for the pores on my nose. I don't need the patch to cover the bridge of my nose. The first time I used the entire patch, it came up too near to my eyes. 😖 Pulling that off hurt. I have very enlarged pores on my nose. I used to squeeze them a lot to get the sebum out, but these work well without that nail-pinching pain and zero scarring. 💕Ultimately, this hydrocolloid patch is effective for me and really did clean out the widened pores on my nose. I'll also be cutting these up to use on the acne I get while using Tretinoin. ☺️👍 ✨TIP: Be sure not to leave any oil cleanser on your skin. Double cleanse, or skip the oil cleanser step when you want to use a patch. I found the entire patch soaks up the residual cleansing oil in skin and doesn't then absorb pore sebum. *apply the patch to dry skin, then continue with skincare *I also used it upside down because I have a flat, wide nose 😅 it worked better for me due to larger coverage on the nose area
product review negatives
❌ Peeling it off is a bit painful for me. They stick and stay on reeeally well, but pulling it off is then a bit of an experience. I had to hold my skin down as I pulled the patch off. It left my skin red, but didn't otherwise irritate my skin.




3 Komentar
Lingua user profile picture
super picky user badge


Kering/Tidak Sensitif

Have always not been into patches,but after reading your review this should be worth trying.Thank you
owopwincess user profile picture
picky squad user badge



Yeah your skin must be amazing because when I pulled mine off it was caked in white stuff 😭😭

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