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Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment

Kate Somerville

Kate Somerville


AliKat29 review for Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment


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Kering/Tidak Sensitif

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Exfolikate Intensive Exfoliating Treatment

product review positives
Kate Somerville ExfoliKate is one of my Holy Grail products. Most exfoliators contain only physical exfoliants, which are those grainy bits that feel like a harsh scrub. Physical exfoliants often cause damage to the skin barrier which allows bacteria to get underneath the barrier, which can cause redness, inflammation, acne and other problems. ExfoliKate uses 3 different types of exfoliant: physical, chemical, and enzymatic. The physical exfoliant used is silica, which is very small and gentle. The chemical and enzymatic exfoliants, which include lactic acid, salicylic acid, pumpkin ferment extract, and papaya fruit among others, gently exfoliate without causing damage. They're effective because they dissolve the bonds between dead skin cells and gently slough them off. I also love that ExfoliKate only needs to be left on for 2 minutes, but makes it look like I've just had a 30 minute facial! After using it my skin is soft, smooth, and radiant. Sometimes when I'm using ExfoliKate I like to run the hot water in my sink as hot, drape a towel over my head, and lean over the sink to use the steam to get even better results.
product review negatives
I love everything about ExfoliKate!!




6 Komentar
JenShaf1 user profile picture


Kering/Tidak Sensitif

I adore this product and just bought it myself. What a great idea to help use steam, thanks!
tammyt user profile picture
picky squad user badge



Fantastic, informative & well written review! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Shiaris user profile picture


Kering/Tidak Sensitif

Thanks for your review, I should definitely try it 😊
moonbliss02 user profile picture


Kering/Tidak Sensitif

I love the very detailed description of this review for this serum. It has good and mild formula to put in my skin.
dayverampas user profile picture
super picky user badge



Looking forward to try this for my dry skin. Thanks for the review. 😍😍😍

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