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Oils Of Life Intensely Revitalizing Facial Oil

The Body Shop

The Body Shop


Tesushie review for Oils Of Life Intensely Revitalizing Facial Oil


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Oils Of Life Intensely Revitalizing Facial Oil

product review positives
I loved this product. It comes in a beautiful hand size glass bottle with a pipette dispenser that makes it feel luxuary . Its a light and fast absorbing oil full of anti-oxidants and vitamins. I tend to use it in my evening rutine but you can use it in the morning as well. I usually I dispense 3 drops on my face and massage it in all over my face and neck. Straight away it starts to warm and absorb into the skin, leaving a soft moisturised glowing,awakened skin. I do not mean glowing as in korean glass skin glowy but a healty very natural glow it also sits beautifully over any serum.
product review negatives
Only con is that it has a high to mid end price - depending on budget. But considering how long it lasts since you only apply a few drops at a time and considering the benefits i think its worth to try atleast once in your life.




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