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Clear Improvement, Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores




Misshell review for Clear Improvement, Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores

Wash-Off Masks

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Clear Improvement, Active Charcoal Mask to Clear Pores

product review positives
This used to be my go to mask for dealing with breakouts. I think the formula changed a few years back and it has since been slightly less effective, but it still works well for reducing acne on my skin. I like how it dries to a lighter color and actually shows spots that were oily by being darker there. Using this regularly helps to reduce the size of my pimples.
product review negatives
The first time I used this the formula was very thick and it worked amazingly. My newer bottles are a much thinner consistency and they don't clear my breakouts like magic like they used to.




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