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Retinol 0.2% in Squalane

The Ordinary

The Ordinary


Veracity review for Retinol 0.2% in Squalane


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Retinol 0.2% in Squalane

product review positives
So after 39 years of life I finally decided to take in retinol to my skincare routine, a little bit late but oh well better late than never. After a chunk of research I decided to start low with this product. I started with once a week for 2w, then twice a week on the third week, 3 times on the week followed and finally got to 4 times a week in a month. First night using it, nothing happened. It started to give me lil breakout here and there (nothing crazy) after the 3rd week but it went away quickly. Entering the 2nd month using this, I started to see more brightened youthful skin . My wrinkles were lil less noticeable, not so much with the hyperpigmentation though. I like the way I look when I wake up in the morning, boy...that feeling was good! My skin feels softer, bouncy, like I was back to my 20s. I got excited, I use this product religiously for another month. Texture: it’s a very simple formulation in squalane so texture is basically oil like, BUT it sinks to my skin almost immediately, slighty to no greasy feeling. I used 4 drops for my still damp face and neck on pm routine. Smell: fragrance free, smell slighty like old days ointment. Very affordable compare to other retinol products. A good starter for those who want to start their retinol journey and also those with sensitive skin due to its very simple formulation.
product review negatives
However... after 3months of religiously using this, I noticed it stopped working!! I did some research and found this: through Melissa Van Dijk, The Ordinary can only guarantee their retinol line products for up to 3 months with refrigeration at all time due to its formulation. That was a big dissapointment for me. I did always store this in my fridge during 3 month use, but to have only 1/4 bottle used and it’s not working anymore is just a waste. I ended up taking it out from the fridge, keep it out of the light and use it on my strecth marks, haven’t see any improvement which I doubt I will, cuz it’s maternal stretch marks that already turned white. I like this product but decided not to repurchase, don’t feel like going in and out my kitchen everytime I do my skincare, it’s a hassle.




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