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Rice Probiotics Overnight Mask




taary review for Rice Probiotics Overnight Mask

Leave On Masks

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Rice Probiotics Overnight Mask

product review positives
I always adore Abib’s packaging, it’s sleek and straightforward. Khususnya untuk sleeping mask yang satu ini, packagingnya cukup sturdy dan udah include lid cover + spatulanya, super hygienic! Tekstur sleeping masknya cukup thick, close to honey texture🍯 Buat kamu yang punya kulit combi-oily kaya aku, make sure buat pake ini setelah pake moisturizer, not as a replacement. I supeeer didn’t like it when the 1st time i tried it as the moisturizer replacement, besok pagi kulit jadi greasy, so make sure to use it as the extra step on you night routine. It will lock all of your skincare regime sampe besok. It’s actually easy to spread kalo udah di heat di palm, this way mask ini jadi lebih gampang di spread.
product review negatives
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