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Cleanance SPF 50+




ElizaSunny review for Cleanance SPF 50+

Chemical Sunscreens

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Cleanance SPF 50+

product review positives
I didn't like this product. It has a nice sun protection, but it's impossible to use it on my face. It went to the body instead.
product review negatives
The product is tough to apply due to non creamy texture. Also made my skin red with a heavy burning sensation after sweating. I have very oily skin on summertime and finding sunscreens that work for me has been difficult. Most would easily break me out and cause an oily mess on my face. I haven’t broken out because of it and it doesn’t feel oily or sticky after application. But it leaves a white cast on my skin no matter how much I try to blend it in. It’s not a terrible cast but it’s obvious that my face has something on it.




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