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Moisturizing Skin Cream




beautybyhabiba review for Moisturizing Skin Cream


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Moisturizing Skin Cream

product review positives
🐳VANICREAM MOISTURISING CREAM 🐳 ONE product that transformed my skin barrier is this MOISTURISER I can't imagine my life without it (unless i find another that can beat it) Specially with Retinoids , its a must have for me 🐳my Skin type🐳 Oily dehydrated acne prone 🐳Texture 🐳 Thick creamy 🐳For Summers🐳 Yes i use it in Summers too despite it being thick in texture i really enjoy it as my night moisturiser 🐳OVERALL experience🐳 This has to be my favourite and best friend during tretinoin. Very basic but does its job well. Very moisturising. If you take too much it will be difficult to blend. I love to layer it. It doesn't burn. The greasiness depends how much you have applied . A pea size is enough for morning use. I absolutely love it 🚩What i don't like about it?🚩 It takes time to blend if you take too much at one time
product review negatives
It takes time to blend if you take too much at one time




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