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Gummy Sheet Mask Aqua Sticker




myskinbeautydiary review for Gummy Sheet Mask Aqua Sticker

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Gummy Sheet Mask Aqua Sticker

product review positives
This is my first time wearing a sheet mask that has cream type essence consistency, it made me concerned a bit because I worried my oily skin might think this is too overwhelming. But thank god, it feels nice on my skin, and most important doesn't suffocate me at all. After I'm using this sheet mask, I can feel how moisturizing it is on my skin, to the point that i think it's okay if I want to skip my moisturizer. I love the instant cooling effects too. The cream essence feels like a very runny lotion to me, I love how it doesn't feel sticky at all despite the consistency, it also quite fast absorb which is surprisingly good! 💦 For skin fitting, I love how we can adjust the fit! I think it happened due to the material they are using! I love the material, the microfibre sheets are so soft and stick on your face literally like a second layer to your skin! In love with it skin hugging adherence, you literally can do anything while wearing this mask because it will not slip from your face! For this sheet mask, they did provide the blue separator to make it easier for us to unfold it. The texture of the sheet is so soft, thin and will not suffocate your skin!
product review negatives
Just the scent, it's pleasing obviously because it smells like detergent, not bother me at all, but since we have to wear it up to 20 minutes, I know some of us can't stand it lol.




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