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Rénergie H.C.F. Triple Serum




mariahreviews review for Rénergie H.C.F. Triple Serum


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Rénergie H.C.F. Triple Serum

product review positives
This serum has been a hugely welcome addition to my skincare routine. The first thing I want to talk about is how impressed I am by how the bottle works; you can see it has three different chambers inside it, which are keeping three great ingredients separate from each-other. Those ingredients are Hyaluronic Acid (it helps your skin retain moisture), Vitamin C + Niacinamide (great for brightening the skin and smoothing fine lines), and Ferulic Acid (a powerful antioxidant for anti-aging results). When I squeeze it out into my hand, I can visibly see the three different textures, and hopefully you can too in the video I made. The hyaluronic acid is the thickest and whitest of them, with the ferulic acid being the clearest and more like a gel, and the vitamin c/niacinamide mixture being between the two in terms of colour and texture. I mix them together into a light cream myself, right in my hand, directly before applying to my face and neck. This method keeps each ingredient more potent than they would be if they were pre-mixed together in the bottle like every other serum I’ve seen is. I think that’s really genius and helps me feel like the value for the money is worth it. I’ve been using it everyday for over a month now. My skin immediately feels softer and moisturized after each use. Over time, I’ve noticed my face looks and feels plumper than it used to. I don’t have much in terms of fine lines yet but I do think regularly using this will help continue to keep them away. If you’re looking for healthier and more youthful skin, I think this is a great option. Please note that I did receive this product for free, but this is my honest review.
product review negatives
I love this product, but it is very pricey! I wish it was more affordable.




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