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Kombucha Hydro Glow Cream




Trereviewsforu review for Kombucha Hydro Glow Cream

Skin Care

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Kombucha Hydro Glow Cream

product review positives
* I received this product for free as part of the Neopharm Reviewer Event in exchange for my honest review. 💛A Kombucha infused buttery gel-like cream that nourishes and brightens the skin. Improves skin elasticity while providing deep hydration, leaving behind a dewy glow. Suitable for all skin types. 💛Key Ingredients * 53% Kombucha * Triple Hyaluronic Acids * Meadowfoam Seed Oil * Niacinamide Impression If you're skin is in need of a radiant glow and deep hydration, look no further because the Kombucha Hydro Glow Cream has you covered. The formula is unscented with more of a gel-like texture that instantly absorbs into the skin. Although it spreads rather thin, just a tiny bit provides more than enough coverage for my entire face. It delivers exceptional hydration without increasing my redness or leaving behind any residue. I do like the smoothing glow effect. However, I also found that it works great when applied before bed. Highly Recommend!!
product review negatives
Nothing to dislike about this product




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Thanks for this great review ☺️💘

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