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Superfood Facial Wash




Viktoryia review for Superfood Facial Wash

Face Wash

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Superfood Facial Wash

product review positives
I really liked the product, mainly because of the soft and delicate cleansing of the skin, in which the skin barrier is almost not disturbed, there is no feeling of tightness and peeling. The texture is not too liquid, but also not very thick, something in between. The gel lathers well enough, but not much. Large, thick and lush foam will not work here. But at the same time, the amount received is quite enough to cleanse the face of dirt and even hydrophilic oil. Upon contact of the product with the skin, a pleasant refreshing effect is felt. At the same time, the skin is not irritated at all. The product is washed off very easily, it is enough to rinse your face a couple of times with water so that there is no trace of the product left. After that, there is neither a film nor a feeling that the skin remains unclean.
product review negatives
Very bright and quite specific fresh aroma of broccoli and avocado. The aroma for an amateur, although not annoying, did not seem pleasant to me either.




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