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Microbiome Cleansing Foam

Audrey & Young

Audrey & Young


Sharonspendstoomuch review for Microbiome Cleansing Foam


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Microbiome Cleansing Foam

product review positives
I purchased this cleanser for a discounted price through 0.8l for my honest review. Skin Microbiome refers to the mix of bacteria and microorganisms (microflora) that live on your skin. When it is out of balance, skin irritations such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, etc. can develop. Several brands have introduced biome-friendly products to maintain the correct pH and strengthen the skin barrier that keeps skin microbiome in balance. Micro Biome Cleansing foam contains several probiotic ingredients, adding good bacteria to the skin, using alongside gentle ingredients to maintain skin balance. It has a pH of 5.5, which is slightly acidic and allows skin’s natural microflora to thrive. ✔️Key ingredients include: ☑️Glycerin: Moisturizer and humectant ☑️Bifida Ferment: Repairs damaged skin barrier, soothes irritated skin ☑️Lactobacillus Ferment: Skin smoothing, soothing and softening properties ☑️Streptococcus Thermophilus Ferment: Protects skin against infection and improves hydration ☑️Malachite Extract: antioxidant that helps boost skin’s natural defense system ☑️Green Tea: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties ☑️Agrimony: promotes healthy skin function ☑️Ceramide NP: Keeps skin Hydrated ✔️Texture: Very thick and creamy, almost has consistency of a shaving cream. With addition of water, it works into a rich foamy lather with no noticeable scent. ✔️Packaging: Blue soft plastic 120 ml tube with flip cap, comes sealed. Cleanser is easy to disperse. ✔️My Review: I have been using this cleansing foam for about 2 weeks in my evening routine, as my second cleanse. I usually find foaming cleansers quite drying, but I was interested in trying a micro-biome-friendly product to see the effects on the skin, especially after wearing face masks for so long. This foaming cleanser has a dense, thick creamy consistency, that works up to a rich lather. The consistency just after dispersing is a little different, as it has kind of a tackiness that is kind of like a cobweb before getting it wet. It cleans thoroughly and is easy to rinse off. It is slightly acidic at 5.5pH, and my skin reacts well to cleansers at this pH level. I thought that it was a nice gentle cleanser and face felt smooth and hydrated after using. It didn’t leave my face feeling “tight” like other foam cleansers, which was a pleasant surprise. You only need a small pea-sized amount to generate adequate lather and thoroughly clean the skin. My skin is combination to dry (dry in winter), and I think it would be good for all skin types (maybe not super dry skins though). I had no irritation and since you rinse it off, I am unsure how the fermented ingredients actually help to balance the skin barrier. I usually don’t use a foaming cleanser as my AM cleanse, but it is worth trying out to see the benefits. It is reasonably priced ($13 on Amazon) and I think it would last for quite a while since you only need to use a small amount per use. I would consider repurchasing this cleanser.
product review negatives
I can’t think of anything bad. I suppose it could be slightly drying for drier skins. My skin type is combo to dry and I had no issues




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neat review

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