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Good Night Sleep Mask




zuemohamad review for Good Night Sleep Mask

Leave On Masks

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Good Night Sleep Mask

product review positives
One word. "Gempak" Haaa. Siyez talk. Not kidding. U guyz already know right. Im not that kind of person tht simply puji2 product. Saying that, this product is very good. Simply giving 5 stars because i got it, and received it as a PR. But end up not using it. And sell it 😂 Korang pun bole kira lah bpe product je yg zu review.. Zu bg 5 stars and zu g purchase sendiri lepas zu da review. Yg bersungguh2 zu review, bnyk kali repurchase. Bnyk kali suruh korang beli. Haa itu la dia yg btl2 tambat hati. Siyez talk. This product also. Didn't get my 5 stars la tapi. But, definitely 4.5 stars. Why 4.5 stars? Because i don't really like the smell. Like strong unisex cologne scent. Acceptable but, if i got options, i didn't go for this kind of smell. Second, it remains a sticky all the time. Third.. The consistency of the mask is almost similar to a regular moisturizing gel, nothing wrong with this. I just thought itsa creamy thick cream texture. But.. This night mask, left my skin super hydrating.. and my skin feels plumped, toink2! Also my skin become soft, luminous, glow. Totally in love with the effects. Slide picture sampai habis! Zu sbnrnye underestimate this product. Betul. Honestly dia mmg berkesan. Siyez. Kagum. Siyez. Owh texture product, thick gel cream texture. Brownish in colour. Unisex body cologne scent. Come in clear tube. Big size. Overall, surprisingly good quality.. obviously worth trying! Definitely, recommend. Note : my skin type, combination skin. Honestly. In love.
product review negatives
definitely 4.5 stars. Why 4.5 stars? Because i don't really like the smell. Like strong unisex cologne scent. Acceptable but, if i got options, i didn't go for this kind of smell. Second, it remains a sticky all the time. Third.. The consistency of the mask is almost similar to a regular moisturizing gel, nothing wrong with this. But. Yeah.




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