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Salicylic Acid 2% Solution

The Ordinary

The Ordinary


whenfarhanareviews review for Salicylic Acid 2% Solution

Acne & Blemish Treatments

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Salicylic Acid 2% Solution

product review positives
Back when I started really focusing on a skincare routine, I wasn’t too familiar with the terms AHA, BHA, and all of that. I just knew that my skin needed “acids” to keep breakouts and congestion at bay. But, after learning the differences in acids and how they worked, I realized that BHA was essential to my Routine LOL! This particular product from The Ordinary was intriguing because at the time…it looked like a really straightforward and affordable product. As with a lot of The Ordinary Products that I have used in the past…I really appreciate the minimalist packaging and glass bottles. These bottles have the potential to be reused or recycled really easily and that is a total bonus for me. My initial application of this product went fine, just a couple of drops on the skin and then distributed into an even layer. Once thing I did notice is that this product absorbs rather quickly. I ended up moving this step in my routine to just after my toner. That way my skin was slightly damp/dewy to allow for a more even application. Just a quick note that applying acids to damp skin can cause them to activate faster. Meaning bigger potential for irritation. Also, the pH of the products you use can impact the efficacy of acids. I’m no expert on this but I simply do what makes the most sense for my schedule and skin. Monitor your skin, listen to it, and respond accordingly.
product review negatives
Aside from the salicylic acid in the formula, there are a variety of texturizes, preservatives, and the like. But, the second Ingredient in the formula is Witch Hazel and this ingredient and I don’t seem to get along very well LOL. Immediately after use of this product, I notice that my skin feels slightly dry/tight (even with the toner). I find that I need to reach for my toner again right after the “wait time” I have allotted myself. Its the same feeling I’ve gotten while using other products high in witch hazel. Having said that, I do have to say that this Salicylic Acid Solution did help my skin to look less greasy throughout the day and overall I did see some positive results. I’ve seen a slight reduction in overall congestion/clogged pores while using it.




Jumoke user profile picture



Thank you for sharing😍
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Love your review
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Thanks for sharing 😍❤️
viruzzzka user profile picture
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Thank you for such a detailed review! Very helpful!

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