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Strawberry BHA Pore-Smooth Blur Drops

Glow Recipe

Glow Recipe


ReneeEgan review for Strawberry BHA Pore-Smooth Blur Drops

Face Primer

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Strawberry BHA Pore-Smooth Blur Drops

product review positives
I have had amazing results since adding this baby to my am and pm skincare regimens! It has dramatically improved the appearance of my (previously large) pores. In my am lineup (cleanser, toner, treatment(s)- up to 3-4 different concern targeted treatments depending on my skins needs on the given day- I use this as my third step. After toner has thoroughly absorbed I use this; it is a great light weight serum but amazingly effective! It absorbs very well and fairly quickly, and I've never experienced any pilling from this EVER! Which is absolutely essential for pre makeup prep! I follow this with Glow Recipe Salicylic Acid serum, then the remainder of my regimen. I HIGHLY recommend this to all my friends and have had several of them (who think I'm just hyping it up) try mine out to see for them selves and they all love it! I've converted more than a few loyal users! ****psssstt Glow Recipe: any "refer a friend incentives? 😂
product review negatives
The only "bad" ish things I have to say about this would be regarding the price of it for the amount of product/how quickly I use a bottle up. Mind you, that may very well be partly due to my religious use of it am and pm, and that I've had several friends try mine out for them selves.




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