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Cerave burns my skin!!

For context: I got prescribed treclin (1% clindamyclin + 0.025% tretinoin) by my dermatologist which I have been using every 3rd day over my toner and moisturiser. (I use the sandwich method) I’ve noticed my skin getting dry and flakey maybe some redness but that goes away after a bit. I bought the cerave lotion because I heard it’s good for barrier repair and it’s gentle. I thought it would be perfect for my super dry and sensitive skin but now whenever I put it on my skin BURNS!! It stings so much!!! I used this moisturiser before I started treclin and it didn’t burn at all. I thought this moisturiser was supposed to be good for dry, sensitive skin. It just hurts to use. It’s only when I put the cerave lotion on, when I put my dear klairs supple preparation toner on or my other skincare products I’m totally fine. Not even a sting. I’m a little shocked to say the least. Cerave gets so much hype. What should I do? should I stop using cerave lotion? What should I use instead? Has anyone else had this problem before??

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