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Soothing Aloe Sheet Mask

Glam Up

Glam Up


Lingua review for Soothing Aloe Sheet Mask

Sheet Masks

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Soothing Aloe Sheet Mask

product review positives
🌸GLAM UP - SOOTHING ALOE - TEXTURE REFINEMENT SHEET MASK [👉REVIEW] Mask 7/12 The Glam up Mask packs are a good for all skincare needs with natural 3-layered pulp,moisture grip sheet containing aloe extract rich in amino acid to replenish,nourish,moisturize while soothing and rejuvenate irritated skin with masks nutritious ingredients to hydrate dry skin.The rich essence absorbs effectively into the skin with a tingle sensation that made skin feel and look good.I noticed a strong scent on this mask compared to the other glam up Masks have tried.The only negative thing is the sizing again.The mouth opening was too wide,and had to make it look like a pleated face mask to stay in place.The tingle lasted few minutes longer before it disappeared and I actually felt calm and relaxed and I honestly wanted to leave the mask on for longer and just enjoy my self-care weekend. I usually like how aloe vera treats my skin with a sheet mask that left me hydrated with a beautiful glow.It’s rich essence absorbed well into my skin,but did not dry the mask as they normally would,maybe achieving best results with glam up Masks is by using sheet masks once every week or more times a week and has helped me feel less dry and not irritating at all. 🛒🛍️SHOP👇 🌱global.cindypick.com 📍Gifted @cindypick.global
product review negatives
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 Sizing could be improved.The shape around the mouth was too wide.If you don’t like scent,this is scented.




4 Komentar
lynnc355 user profile picture


Berminyak/Tidak Sensitif

Aloe is great for skin!
Janete user profile picture


Kering/Tidak Sensitif

My skin loves aloe😍

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