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benton giveaway

So happy i got benton giveaway again! Can not wait to try this aloe 🥺🥺🤍✨✨

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Review Somethinc Niacin + Sabi & Niacin Barrier serum 🤍✨

Dari segi packaging mereka sama2 dari botol kaca, ada droppernya juga dan aku gada masalah dengan droppernya, masih mudah diambil. Sekarang yg moisture sabi beet ini udah diperbaharui packagingnya biar ga gampang kuning texturenya, jadi white doff tertutup! 🤍 ✧ Texture: • Sabi: dia lebih thick texturenya, warnanya bening agak kekuningan dikit, gada wanginya sama sekali. Easy to absorb. • Barrier: texturenya lebih runny watery. Gada wanginya sama sekali, warna texturenya putih. Dia kalau di apply berasa kek ada minyaknya gitu sih. Takes time banget buat menyerap sempurna kalau di aku walaupun texturenya watery. ✧ Nah masuk ke opini aku ✧ Barrier: Kalau kalian lg cari serum utk memperbaiki skin barrier, sensitive & irritated skin, dehydrated skin boleh pake niacinimide barrier serum ✨✅ seperti yg kita tau fungsi niacinimide bukan hanya utk mencerahkan tp juga utk memperbaiki skin barrier, sehingga somethinc berinovasi utk bikin serum yg berfokus ke skin barrier dengan 3 types of ceramides! Aku udah pake ini selama sebulanan lebih di setiap AM routine aku. Yang aku rasain dia bikin wajahku jadi lebih sehat dan kemerahan karna jerawat jadi cukup berkurang. Utk proses memperbaiki skin barrier dia lumayan takes time tapi pasti! Jadi walaupun lama aku bner2 ngerasain dia benerin skin barrier aku yg kemarinan sempet rusak dan sensitive. Namun utk aku yg ST oily aku sangat ga suka sama texturenya. 🥲 Karena bikin jd oily dan nyerapnya lama banget. Jadinya kalau pake ini aku ga terlalu banyak2, 2-4 drops aja. ——— Sabi: Utk kalian yg lg cari serum yg fokusnya utk mencerahkan wajah, meratakan skin tone, wajah kusam, menghilangkan bekas jerawat, bisa coba moisture sabi beet! ✨🤍 Aku udah pake lumayan lama ya sblm ada barrier serum ini, dan aku cukup suka karena dia beneran bikin wajah aku jadi cerahan dan bekas jerawat aku perlahan menghilang. Seperti biasa sebelumnya aku suka pake di AM routine aku. Walaupun thick dia masih bsa di toleransi bgt texturenya dibanding yg barrier serum. 😅 Aku juga biasanya combine sama vitamin C serum atau ga dengan retinol. Buat mencerahkan di aku lumayan berasa banget si, apalagi kalau kalian ga kemana2 dan hanya pake ini buat menghilangkan bekas jerawat. 🥺 Ini holygrail aku waktu aku blm nemu serum niacin yg lainnya. Nah sekarang udh tau kan bedanya~ walaupun sama2 niacinimide tapi fungsinya tuh bener2 berbeda loh! 🙈 Jadi disesuaikan dengan problem dan concern kulit masing2 yaa. Enaknya jg somethinc keluarin yg 5% niacinimide buat kalian yg agak sensitif dengan niacin yg terlalu tinggi persentasenya. Utk sabi beet ini bisa dipakai 13y.o+ utk barrier bisa dipakai 11y.o Jika ditanya suka yg mana jujur aku lebih suka texturenya yg sabi karna ga bkin kulit oily ku makin oily 😅 tp skrg aku lg sring pakenya yg barrier karna wajahku lg agak sensitive dan berjerawat. 😬 🤍Rate Sabi: 4.5/5 🤍Rate barrier: 4.3/5 Repurchased? Yes! Recommended? Ofc!! 🤍😬

Product Info

Cosrx Propolis Light Ampoule

Did you want make your skin glowy and smooth without stickiness? 💛 Meet 🍯💛 @cosrx Propolis Light Ampoule 💛🍯 with 83% of Black Bee Propolis Extract and naturally originated moisturizing with 11 minimum ingredients on it. 🤩 🍯Texture: The texture is thick. No fragrance at all and the colour is orange light. I think the texture is a little bit sticky and takes time to absorb perfectly on my skin. 🍯Packaging: So this is the new look of this light ampoule and I love it so much! The packaging is superb cute! The pipette is like honeycomb and the design is classy yet cute at the same time hehe. I love the pipette because is so sturdy. It contains 30ml. 🍯Opinion: I love when I use this at my PM routine it does hydrate my skin and also make my skin glowing and supple tomorrow morning. I rarely using this at my AM routine because the ampoule is so heavy because it has thick texture. It does not have any bad effects to my face such as break out or purging. My face really love it! 💛 When you want to use this, you have to make sure your before step skincare have absorb well perfectly, if it don't, it will make my skin so greasy because it has thick texture and I have oily skin. So I will use 2-3 pipettes that one at my forehead and two at my cheeks. Unfortunately because it has thick texture, this ampoule also run out so fast. 😂 and for oily skin maybe you should use 2 pipette or your face will become overmoist, so for me its a little bit tricky to use this. I think skin type dry will really love this ampoule because it really moist your face at the same time too. Rate: 4.6/5 And lastly, I want to thank @go.picky x @cosrx to giving me a chance for me try and review this amazing ampoule! 🥰💛 What about yours? Share your experience when u using this ampoule! 💛

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