
My Discussions

Routine Help

morning or night?

Do you usually wear masks or sheetmask in the morning or at night? And what's the reason?

Product Info


RETINOL UNTUK PEMULA! USIA 18 BISA PAKAI RETINOL?!😱 |GENTLE RETINOL Hi, guys! Kalian sadar gak sih semakin bertambah nya usia kekencangan kulit wajah kita semakin menurun? Ditandai dengan munculnya kerutan, bintik hitam, atau warna kulit wajah yang gak merata pastinya bikin gak keliatan muda lagi kan? Oleh karena itu, kita butuh yang namanya produk skincare dengan kandungan RETINOL sebagai anti-aging! Eits, meskipun usia belum mencapai 30 tahun keatas kita wajib lho pakai retinol di usia before 30 tahun karena untuk mencegah penuaan dini 🤫 Nah, kali ini aku akan mereview Retinol Renewal Serum dari Pratista. So, buat kalian yang penasaran baca sampai habis yuk! Packaging : Mengusung konsep netral RRS ini dikemas dalam botol kaca dengan logo dibadan botol dan box kemasan yang berwarna hitam membuat serumnya keliatan lebih cantik dan elegant Key Ingredient : Retinol 0,5% serum ini juga mengandung Niacinamide 4% sebagai Hero Ingredients yang menjadikan formula retinolnya lebih efektif bekerja secara optimal dikulit. Selain itu, ada kandungan Aloevera & Allantoin yang berfungsi untuk menghidrasi dan juga melembabkan kulit. Tekstur : Teksturnya sendiri Gel-Watery jadi pas kena kulit dia langsung kaya air gampang meresap nya, warnanya sendiri ijo-kuning transparan gitu (difoto warnanya bening karena efek cahaya & filter VSCO) Experience : Jadi, aku tuh udah pake RRS ini dari tanggal 25 november bulan lalu dan aku upload sekarang jadi sekitar 3 mingguan aku udah pake. Honestly, ini retinol pertama yang aku pake. Awal nya sih aku takut karena belum berani pake retinol tapi karena RRS ini persentase retinolnya rendah dan termasuk gentle end aku putusin buat nyoba dan ternyata kulit aku suka! Awal nya aku pake RRS ini pas kondisi kulit aku berjerawat dan juga kusam setelah pake RRS jerawat aku kering dan agak cerahan dan juga garis halus tersamarkan meskipun sedikit. Selain itu, tekstur kulit wajah aku pun jadi halus, lembab dan kenyal. Aku bener2 recommended banget buat kalian nih yang pemula mau nyoba retinol di umur 18 tahun wajib coba RRS ini! Rate: 4.9/5 Price: Rp. 139.000

Skin Concern

Fading Acne Scars With MIGUHARA

Hello, guys! This time I want to tell you about my personal experience struggling to fade acne scars, fight dull skin and moisturize my very dry skin! I solved those 3 problems with the skincare range from Miguhara. Yaps, Miguhara is a K-beauty brand from Korea, guys! And this time I will give a review for the Miguhara whitening-line series. Read to the end! 🌼 Miguhara Ultra Whitening First Essence Origin This essence is packaged in a glass bottle with a size of 120 ml. This essence claims to be moisturizing and brightening. This essence has natural ingredients that are good for the skin, especially to hydrate and nourish the skin to the deep layers. Lactobacilli, which are also present in the composition, will soothe the skin, accelerate the rejuvenation processes and narrow the pores. Niacinamide, a safe natural whitening ingredient, provides a clean, acne-free face. Penetrating deep into the cellular level, this substance copes well with dark spots, completely discoloring them, as well as freckles. The texture is watery, light and comfortable to wear. I myself did not feel any negative effects while I was using this essence. 🌼Miguhara Ultra Whitening Cream Origin The texture itself is thick, the scent is soft. Does not cause a white cast with a size of 50 ml this cream will last for a month or even more. This cream has a claim to hydrate and brighten. However, I personally feel that this cream makes my skin bright, supple, soft and hydrated. 🌼Miguhara Ultra Whitening Perfect Ampoule This ampoule has a thick and watery gel texture that absorbs quickly into the skin. It leaves skin hydrated that doesn't feel tacky or greasy. It coats other products without pilling issues as well. After initial application, I noticed it replenishes hydration to the skin. But over time, I noticed my dark spots were slowly but surely starting to fade. For ampoules, I have sizes 20 ml and 5 ml 🌼 Miguhara Big 3 Step Whitening Mask Pack Origin And the last is 3 steps to get bright skin! These 3 steps consist of step 1 Ampoule, step 2 Mask and Step 3 Cream. The mask tissue itself is soft so it doesn't irritate my facial skin, the size is according to the shape of my face, the mask itself is not sticky and makes my face bright, soft and supple in just one week of use! I hope you enjoy it and i hope this review helpful for you! Happy reading :)

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