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Acne Facial Cleanser

Pyunkang Yul

Pyunkang Yul


pickthatskincare review for Acne Facial Cleanser


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Acne Facial Cleanser

product review positives
If you have tried Cetaphil cleanser, it has the same feeling for me not foamy at all and very smooth to lather on face. HOW I USE: ☀️ I only use when I wake up with an oily face if not, I only wash with water. + since it is summer here, I take a bath at noon and use this cleanser again which technically, I sometimes cleanse 3x a day BUT it doesn't strip the natural oil my face has. I also add a toner/serum to my routine with centella asiatica in it to be extra safe even the cleanser itself has cica to counteract the citric acid that could sensitize my skin. 🌙 I mix it with Axis-Y Quinoa One Step Balanced Gel Cleanser to get the foamy texture I like. ✔️ Gentle ✔️ Affordable ✔️ Very mild scent It's a YAY ⭐⭐⭐⭐ cleanser for me.
product review negatives
❔It contains citric acid. ❔I prefer gel cleansers that bubbles up when lathered on skin.




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