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Goodbye Redness Centella Powder Wash




LouiseY review for Goodbye Redness Centella Powder Wash

Face Wash

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Goodbye Redness Centella Powder Wash

product review positives
It has a great list of ingredients like centella asiatica and calamine to soothe, heal and protect. Plus vegetable enzymes like protease and bromelain to gently exfoliate. This is a light pink powder that very quickly turns into a thin paste with the addition of a tiny bit of water. It has no fragrance at all. I thought the packaging of this was really smart - there’s a small compartment below the spout that prevents you from pouring out too much of the powder. You just invert it once and you get the amount you need. I thought that this was a pretty decent cleanser! Powder washes are something quite new to me but I had a lot of fun using this. I don’t and wouldn’t rely on a cleanser to do any heavy lifting when it comes to skin concerns but based on the progress pics it looks like it played a small part. Though I don’t think I saw much difference outside of my skin’s normal healing process. It lathers well and rinses off easily, leaving my face feeling clean but not stripped. This also left my face feeling very smooth and soft! I’d credit that to the vegetable enzymes as this did not act like a physical exfoliant at all when completely dissolved.
product review negatives
Its a little more expensive than a regular cleanser at ~$21 for 80g; especially since they recommend using about 1g of powder per wash. That’s just 40 days of continuous AM/PM usage. Other than that I have no concerns with this!




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