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SolarBiome Ampoule

Dr. Jart+

Dr. Jart+


skinken review for SolarBiome Ampoule

Hybrid Sunscreens

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SolarBiome Ampoule

product review positives
This was NOT for me. It stung my skin really badly. It was almost like I was on being eaten alive by ants 🔥I had no choice but to pass it to my sister (oily skin type) which enjoyed this more than I did. She said it was good with makeup and made her makeup go on very nicely. I don’t really have much else to add sorry in this department
product review negatives
This is just a personal observation but I think it caused me to develop an eyelid rash. It felt raw, flaky and itchy after I used it. This is just my observation and so it may be different for you. Don’t make the same mistake as me and PLEASE patch test this




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