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Balancing Gel

Pyunkang Yul

Pyunkang Yul


matromao review for Balancing Gel


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Balancing Gel

product review positives
“Gel” doesn’t really do the contents of this jar justice as it is more like clear, viscous goo, with the consistency of honey. Even getting it out of the jar requires some technique to avoid goo trails from falling off the scooper/spoon. The balancing gel has no discernible scent from the scoop or on fingers, but I get a hint of something nutty-sweet and herbal when I sniff right from the jar. I would liken it to the scent of fresh coconut water. Because the Balancing Gel is more than a gel per se, that interesting texture and consistency also shows up during application. According to the instructions, you smear the gel on the area you wish to cover and then tap or press the product onto the skin. Rubbing will only cause the gel to ripple and pill, then melt back into its original gel form. (It really is fascinating to behold!) It dries like a regular gel would. No traces of that goo after 5 minutes. I have used the Balancing Gel as a “topper”, sealant, and final skincare step over various serums and creams, and it has not given me any negative reactions. The main ingredient, astragalus membranaceus root extract, is known for hydrating and it does so subtly and gently. It doesn’t act as a sleeping pack. But as a light, gel-type moisturizer, I think it does deliver and soothes skin at that.
product review negatives
You have to be patient with patting on the gel to get skin evenly coated, so this isn't something you can do in a hurry.




1 Comment
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I agree! 🙌 The texture is so fascinating!🤩

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