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AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner

Some By Mi

Some By Mi


Shivach review for AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner


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AHA BHA PHA 30 Days Miracle Toner

product review positives
SOME BY MI AHA-BHA-PHA 30 DAYS MIRACLE TONER 🌿 This is a daily exfoliating toner with TEA TREE , AHA-BHA-PHA, 2% NIACINAMIDE, WITCH HAZEL EXTRACT and PAPAYA EXTRACT in it. It claims to improve skin texture, clogged pores, acne and blemishes in 30 days. It gently exfoliates dead skin cells , soothe irritated skin and unclog pores. 10,000 ppm Tea Tree leaf water improves skin moisture and has anti bacterial properties. It also helps to calm down skin irritation. 🌿MY EXPERIENCE: It’s been more than three weeks since I started using this toner in my PM routine. I am using this daily since then and didn’t felt any sort of irritation or dryness on my skin. It is a water based toner that sinks into the skin without leaving any residue. Refreshing scent of tea tree leaf extract is mild and felt so good soothing. Post cleansing i dry down my face then generously applied 1-2 layers of this toner focusing on areas which are more prone to congestion and acne. After drying it down hardly for 20-30 seconds i apply my moisturiser or sometimes a hydrating serum over it. This is the first time i am using a product regularly for exfoliation but this toner actually works on clogged pores and skin texture. After one week or so you can visibly see a difference in skin texture. Skin feels soft and less congested due to excessive sebum secretion and dead skin cell accumulation. Skin feels smooth and flawless. This is toner is also effective in removing superficial blackheads and whiteheads to come over the skin for easy removal. All these weeks my skin never felt irritated, dry or redness at all. Which i like the most about this toner. Now i know the hype about this product. I am amazed with the results.
product review negatives
Found nothing bad about this product.




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Thank you 😊
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I have been wanting to try!!

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