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Refreshing Facial Cleanser




DenDym review for Refreshing Facial Cleanser


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Refreshing Facial Cleanser

product review positives
Honestly, ever since I've discovered this, it has become my favourite daily cleanser ever. The texture are in the form gel consistency and doesn't produce lots of foam upon massaging throughout my face. It's very gentle on my skin and It left a cooling sensation right after cleanse. The best part of it would probably be the fact that this cleanser doesn't strip and dry up my face at all despite it cleanse up very well. It also helps me to recover from my daily breakouts through a mild exfoliation I guess due to AHA properties from the apple extract in it. Probably 10/10🥰🥰
product review negatives
Umm, so far I couldn't find any flaws or any unconditional experience using these cleanser. Just I'm kinda worried that I might drop it in the bathroom since it's packed inside a glass bottle. But, it's OK since I love sustainable packaging✨




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