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Hyper Vitamin C 23 Serum




Meowser review for Hyper Vitamin C 23 Serum

Skin Care

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Hyper Vitamin C 23 Serum

product review positives
Key Ingredients: ☆ Panthenol ☆ Vitamin E 💧 Birch sap 🍊23% Ascorbic Acid Start Date: Circa the beginning of September Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! Like many vitamin c serums, this has an orange color that deepens over time. At least the bottle is an opaque black, which helps to minimize oxidation from light & air. Even though this product is fragrance free, I noticed somewhat of a sweet scent whenever I used it. The consistency is watery & leaves behind a dewy finish that disappears quickly. I’ve been using this every morning & I can say that I’ve seen somewhat of an improvement in my acne scars over time. Unfortunately, I can’t say how well it works for what little hyperpigmentation I have. But so far, it’s works okay & it doesn’t irritate my skin much.
product review negatives
One problem I have with this serum is that it’s lacking cosmetic elegance. The application is unpleasant & the finish is really sticky & tacky. At first, I thought that I just wasn’t using enough serum, which wasn’t the case. Btw, I use 4 drops for my face & neck. The other problem is that, despite the packaging, it oxidizes quickly, meaning you also have to use it quickly. Honestly, that’s pretty impractical. I had really high hopes & expectations for this vitamin c product, but just wasn’t happy with the quality. Hence, I won’t repurchase in the future. There are many better vitamin c serums out there in the world of skincare, but this just wasn’t one of them.




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