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Fundamental Watery Oil Drop

Dear, Klairs

Dear, Klairs


tenaciouskace review for Fundamental Watery Oil Drop


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Fundamental Watery Oil Drop

product review positives
Do you use facial oil? Well, I don't. I don't like how it feels, I don't like how it leaves my oily skin even oilier. I guess I just have yet to find the right facial oil for me. But for now, I prefer my sleeping masks if I want more nourishment & hydration. Then Dear Klairs dropped this product! A serum that provides the rich hydration of a facial oil without the oily finish. Oh yes! So when Wishtrend asked me what products I want to try from them, I included this one out of curiosity and hope that it might be the product I was looking for. Then the trying, reviewing & researching begun. Okay so before I head onto my review, let me just rant a bit. The product name is misleading if nothing more than a marketing strategy to generate hype. This is not an oil okay? This is a water-based serum, there's no oil in it. I understand they might be trying to communicate how the Fundamental Watery Oil Drop provides the nourishment of oils without any actual oiliness, but still, I find it unnecessarily confusing. *end of rant* The product is amazing though! So here's my review 💛 Dear Klair Fundamental Watery Oil Drop 🌼key ingredients: Enriched with Jeju Green Tea Water, Rice Ferment exteact, Bifida Ferment Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate and Peptides, provides regeneration, antioxidation and well-aging properties. 🌼formulation/texture: It's a thin clear serum with slightly thicker than water consistency. Gets absorb quickly onto the skin. 🌼application: I use 3 drops then apply using my palms and spread it evenly on my face. I do it at night before my moisturizer. 🌼coin: $31 for 50ml of product. It's a good price point for the amt of product you get. 🌼verdict: Marketing strategy aside, I really really like this product. This has 2 of my fave ingredients (green tea and rice extract) plus HA too! It really did a great job in hydrating my skin and making it more plump. I don't know abt well-aging benefits bec my goal is to use this serum for extra hydration and it did its job pretty well! Would def recommend to oily/combo sometimes dehydrated skin like mine. I'll give this a 4/5✨
product review negatives
I hate how this product was marketed. It's confusing.




vane27 user profile picture



ElizavetaS user profile picture



I need to try❤️
Melora user profile picture



I almost fell for its name like you said there's no oil texture in it, thanks for the detailed explanation
LouiseY user profile picture



Thank you for the clarification! I’ve only used one facial oil before, it was okay but the results didnt make me feel the need to get a replacement product afterwards. i thought this was an oil too but now i think ill check it out as well!

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