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Medi Cell Rejuvenation Mask

Wonjin Effect

Wonjin Effect


SkincrediblyMe review for Medi Cell Rejuvenation Mask

Sheet Masks

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Medi Cell Rejuvenation Mask

product review positives
Tip: Put the mask in the fridge for an hour before use This mask is soooo soothing and moisturing for me. As soon as I put it on it was like a 2nd skin. They are also super generous with the amount of essence which is rich and gel-like in texture. I had enough to spread over my neck, chest and have enough leftover I'll use it in the morning. The price point is also great.
product review negatives
I wouldn't say it's bad, but as soon as I opened the pack it smelled strongly of roses which I like as it's refreshing but it may be overpowering to some




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