I have this. I keep it inside it’s box and keep it inside a drawer to keep it away from the sunlight. After a while it would turn pale yellow and it still okay, if it turns dark yellow it would be oxidized
Yes. I use it almost everyday. Just a few drops or 5 on my face without the tips touching my skin.
I used it in the morning because I use retinol at night and that did irritated my face. I used it after cleanser, toner, exfoliator, and serum. I don’t use moisturizer in the morning because all my other steps is enough for me and my current sunscreen is moiturizing enough, if I do use moisturizer I used before moisturizer.
Then I let my the products absorb and dry a bit. It takes a few minutes before applying sunscreeen.
An even lazier morning would be cleanser, Vit C and sunscreen.



keep it in room temperature and avoid sunlight or heavy light. it still can be oxidized even if it is not open yet if you don’t keep it properly. Of course, BC can use everyday but watch your skin. for starter I recommend to use it 3 times per week and see if their is any reaction or pigging, if not it is good to go. Cos VC can trigger Acne so be careful. VC works the best in the morning when it toch the sun, but don’t forget to wear your sunscreen else you will got skin damage and dark spots ❤️🙌



Keep it away from sunlight and warm temperatures. You will see when it starts oxidatizing, the color will turn yellow->orange. By the time it oxidizes you better not be using it anymore.
You can use this everyday if you skin can handle it, start introducing this 1-3x a week and slowly build to a everyday serum.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant so it is the best to use this in the morning and don’t forget your spf!
good luck!