Here are some of my advices as a person with 5 years of blogging experience and a person who's working currently at social media for personal care brands:
1. Don't message brands - I'm aware people do that and some creators will recommend you doing that but majority of the time, huge brands will through such messages straight to the trash without even opening them, because the amount of such messages is huge + big brands have their own SM management to do Influencer collabs or they hire outside agency
2. Log to platforms for influencers, my favourites are influenster, octoly, fohr
3. Be active on Instagram - create eye catching content, focus on what you write and engagement
4. Engagement is a key - you don't need many followers, if brands see people enjoy your content and engage with you a lot, they'll be happy to work
5. Don't take all collabs - some collabs are just 💩 so if you see a brand asks you for a collab but this brand is shady or they sell stuff that doesn't fit your content - it's not worth it.
6. Not every collab is a collab, some collabs are scams, if a company asks you to pay for a product, it's probably a scam. But sometimes you'll have to pay a tax and that's normal - at least in EU law has changed and majority of shipping from outside EU = tax
7. Always talk about conditions before agreeing to a collab - how long, when to publish, what the brand expect, etc
8. Paid collabs - usually brands are not welcome to work with paid gigs, but you can always suggest that you are open for paid collabs and what benefits the brand can get.
I hope it helps :) Let me know if you have any questions :)



wow thanks for sharing this question and I am thankful for @betweendots’ response I mean I am not an influencer or aspiring to be but this is very informative and helpful to know! ❤️👍🏻