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Commonlabs Giveaway - Update

Hi everyone, I made a discussion back on Nov 28th about the giveaway Commonlabs had on picky as at the time the product had not been shipped yet and the review deadline was coming up in less than 3 weeks with no word ANYWAYS I just wanted to update and say that I now have info on it shipping and though I’m not sure what day I’ll get it at least I know it’s on the way I wanted to know if there was an email for picky I could write to to ask for extension of the review due date as the review is due dec 16th and my package looks like it’s still being sorted Maybe people with this giveaway in time will get an extension, but I worry that if I get the product later than the 11th that I won’t be able to use it much before I have to write a review. Myself I like to use a product and post my review closer to the deadline so I have time to really try out the product and see if I have any differences in my skin overtime vs from 1 application Anyways just wanted to update people who commented on my last post (thank you💗) as I only realized now that I never replied Anyways let me know if you know anything and below I’ll post a photo of product incase anyone is unsure if they’re in this giveaway or not (also sorry for such a long text)





paoooomov user profile picture



It has happened to me to see that there are people in Picky who just one or two weeks who received the ampoule, have already reviewed, personally, I feel that 2 weeks is not enough to give a complete and honest review and to some extent it is irresponsible for not give a good review. I already filled out the form saying that I have not received it (since they sent it just a few days ago) and that if they could extend the deadline. I would like Picky to take into account past issues with shipping in certain countries in order to establish a safe deadline.




paoooomov user profile picture



In addition, I understand that it is the brands that send the products. One strategy would be to ship first to the countries where shipping takes the longest and the last to the places where it takes the least.




Sharonspendstoomuch user profile picture
super picky user badge



This is the 3rd giveaway where my item arrived late giving only a few days to try product prior to my review. I asked if there would be an extension the first time it happened and Picky said no. I was told to fill out the Google form saying item had not been received. Then about a week later I did a first impression review so I wouldn’t be penalized. I know it isn’t Picky’s fault but it does make it difficult to write a good review when it arrives so close to the deadline. Next the Potions giveaway arrived after the deadline (due 2nd arrived yesterday Dec 6th). I filled out the Google form last week before deadline and got another email warning me I was late with my review on 6th. I filled out Google form saying it was late and review would be forthcoming. Guess I’ll do the same thing with Common labs since my package shows it is still in Korea. I don’t blame Picky as mail is slow but it makes it difficult to do a detailed review before a deadline if you get the product late.




chelsiapatel user profile picture



this is really good to know thank you! knowing your experience and seeing when mine will even get to me, I’ll probably wait to email them if I’m only a couple days from the deadline without the product still. I’m the exact same way too when it comes to reviews. I would rather use the product however often needed and multiple times before reviewing vs using once and basing my review solely off the one time review! and yes between covid and from me being in Canada I know shipping isn’t picky fault either like they can’t control when the shipping companies get to our stuff but it is a struggle. I can’t remember the date I received my potions items but I know I got an email for my deadline extension and I was able to use it for almost 2 weeks I believe before the updated deadline so I was glad about that. but yes mine also still shows in Korea and I’m not stressing about it for now! I’ve seen some people say about paying to get it and all I hope is that I don’t have to do that 🤞🏼




Veracity user profile picture
picky squad user badge



Their email: support@gopicky.com Mine is also on the way, but I haven’t got it yet.




chelsiapatel user profile picture



thank you! I thought it was this email but I wanted to make sure mine is on the way too but it looks like it has a lot more travelling to do




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